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Clipper Round The World

Stand: D7
Humankind has always looked to explore and push its boundaries. We are restless. We are curious. It is this that has led the Clipper Race to help thousands of people step out from their comfort zone and train to become ocean crossing sailors. For 25 years, Race Crew, from all walks of life, have had the same purpose: saying yes to discovering personal frontiers and achieving something extraordinary. The ocean is their race track. Video is narrated by Sir Robin Knox-Johnston. The first person to perform a single-handed non-stop circumnavigation of the globe.


1A Granary and Bakery building
Royal Clarence Yard
Weevil Lane
PO12 1FX
United Kingdom
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  • For 25 years, Race Crew, from all walks of life, have had the same purpose: saying yes to discovering personal frontiers and achieving something extraordinary. The ocean is their race track. Video is ...
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